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A positive outlook may help you cope with your divorce

On Behalf of | May 21, 2023 | Divorce |

Everyone says that divorce is hard and painful. Unfortunately, the one thing most can agree on is viewed as a tragic, heartbreaking event.

Divorce deserves its reputation because it is hard and does cause pain. Enduring so much can impact your outlook and make it easy to fall prey to negative feelings and thoughts. Striving to be upbeat as much as possible might promote emotional stability and make it easier to cope with the end of your marriage.

Here are some techniques to consider:

Find constancy

It may seem like your world is falling apart, but you can find stability if you look. Spend time with the friends and family members that are always there for you. Visit familiar restaurants you have loved for years and otherwise embrace the constants wherever you can find them in your life.

Be active

Staying active can fight depression—a common effect of divorce. Instead of committing to a strict routine, go for a run or visit the gym when it fits in with your lifestyle. At the same time, avoid pressuring yourself to follow an unrealistic exercise schedule during your divorce.

Planning ahead

Did your marriage ever stop you from fulfilling a dream or making a wish come true? Since you are soon to be unencumbered, consider revisiting those dreams you tucked away to see if they still spark an interest. Creating and planning for a post-divorce goal can improve your outlook.

Emotional stability and a positive outlook can improve decision-making and promote life satisfaction. That means you can trust your divorce decisions to protect your interests and comply with Iowa divorce laws.

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