Your Guides Through the Legal Process

How to keep divorce costs down 

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2024 | Divorce

Getting divorced is a major decision for several reasons. It signals the end of a long-term relationship. For parents, it means possibly disrupting the children. Divorce is also a financial commitment. The average divorce in the U.S. costs between $15,000 and $20,000.  

However, these figures can reach higher amounts should the divorce be highly contested and lengthy. At the same time, there are also ways to make divorce more efficient and less expensive. Here are some factors to consider.

Keep fighting to a minimum 

Divorce is often portrayed as a battle in TV dramas and the media, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are no winners in a high-conflict divorce. Stress levels go up, it takes far longer and it costs a lot more money. 

For these reasons, it can be beneficial for divorcing spouses to consider low-conflict methods. Mediation and collaborative law are typically low-conflict. Even a litigated divorce can be settled quickly should spouses agree to cooperate as much as possible rather than get into a battle. 

Talk about it beforehand 

The last thing any spouse wants is to be hit with divorce papers out of nowhere. It’s possible that one spouse doesn’t even realize that there are major problems in the relationship. That’s why it’s worth having a discussion beforehand. If divorce comes as a shock, then one spouse is more likely to fight it or even ignore their partner’s requests. All of this will drag out the legal process and the amount of money that has to be spent. 

Having discussions beforehand can open up two possibilities. There may be a chance to save the relationship, or, partners can get on the same page regarding divorce before the legal process begins. 

One step that cannot be overlooked is seeking legal guidance. This will help protect your rights and keep divorce costs to a minimum. 
