Oftentimes, people talk about the dangers of using social media during a divorce. Social media, if you’re posting to it, could give the other party information to use against you. Posting negative things about your spouse, photos of nights out with friends or commentary that isn’t becoming could all hurt you.
On the other hand, social media can be a great place to collect evidence against your spouse when you’re trying to build a case against them. While you’ll want to do your best to shut down or restrict your own accounts, you do still want to find and search through your spouse’s.
Pictures tell a story about your spouse’s life
One of the things to look at on social media is your spouse’s photos. Once you’ve separated, you might have questions about what they’re doing or where certain assets are. Looking through video or photo feeds might help you identify exactly the information you’re looking for. Take a screenshot or download the video to keep the evidence safe.
Posts last forever
Another thing to think about looking for are the past posts your spouse has made. Even if they’ve deleted them off their pages, you may be able to find archival content or people who shared that content on their own pages. If there is one thing that is true about the internet, it’s that anything that is posted can end up there forever. A deep search for what you’re looking for could prove fruitful.
Chats could give you more insight
Finally, it may be a good idea to check through your spouse’s chat history (if you have access to it). Whether the other party provides that to you or you were given the password in the past, gaining legal access to that history could give you evidence for your divorce.
Social media has the potential to help your case, so it’s worth thinking about what evidence you want or need and determining how to get it from the other party. Your spouse’s social media, as well as their connections’ pages, could help you build a case against them for when you go to divorce court.