When you look at divorce statistics in light of education levels, you find that those with less education tend to get divorced at a higher rate. Someone who only graduated from high school may have higher odds of divorce than someone who graduated from college, for instance, while the odds may be highest for someone who dropped out of school and never got their GED.
We can look at these statistics and plot the trends, but what do they really mean? Why is it that someone with a higher education level is less likely to divorce?
One reason is financial security. It tends to be greater for those with a college degree. More financial security means less money-related stress. That’s the type of stress that ends many marriages, so taking it out of the equation helps the marriage last.
Another reason is age. We also know that those who get married at a younger age are more likely to get divorced. People who go to college or even get a post-graduate degree tend to get married after they finish school. The time it takes to get these degrees means that they’re naturally older than those who get married after high school, so that can make the marriage more stable.
Of course, anyone can get divorced. A college graduate with a high-paying job who got married at 30 years old could still find their relationship ending due to irreconcilable differences with their spouse. Anyone who files for divorce must know what legal options they have and what steps to take regarding child custody, property division and much more.