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Important factors for an Iowa custody modification

On Behalf of | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized |

Children need their parents, and many would say the opposite is true as well. However, splitting time between parents after divorce means that every moment counts.

As children grow, their needs change and may cause a need for adjustments in a set plan. Particularly regarding custody modifications in Iowa, there are a few things to keep in mind.

The reason

Once the terms of a custody agreement are in place, the courts are not prone to adjusting them without good reason. Some of the most common instances that may allow for a modification include:

  • The relocation of a parent
  • A change in the health of the child or primary guardian
  • The child is in physical harm or general danger

Though these are most common, other less-common cases may also result in a modification. It may be beneficial to consult with a knowledgeable professional to consider the strongest argument for your case.

The process

You can approach a custody modification a few different ways. The preferred method is to work it out with the other parent. If you can come to a mutual agreement out of court, it can save time and resources, all while maintaining the peace between the two of you. It is important to note that even with a consensual change, it is best to create a formal custody modification in writing and submit it to the court. However, if a consensual agreement is not possible, you have options to pursue through the court. In cases where you can prove the possibility of domestic violence, the court is prepared to move swiftly. On the other hand, if the modification request is due to other reasons, the court process will likely take longer. In either instance, both sides have the opportunity to present their side of the story, along with any pertinent evidence.

Though these factors are important, each case is different and may require additional considerations. In the end, your child is the priority, and it is best to approach the situation with that mind frame.

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