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2 things that can affect your child custody case

On Behalf of | May 3, 2023 | Family Law

When children are involved in a divorce, the conversations change. Every decision should be in their best interests. And the court will consider several factors to give verdicts. Thus, it’s crucial to pay attention to everything you do during and after the case.

The following are two things that can affect your child custody case.

1. Refusing to cooperate with your co-parent

You should cooperate with the other parent and observe the temporary parenting plan. Refusing to do this, making life and the transition challenging for the kids, can work against you. The court wants to make the best decisions for the children, and an uncooperative parent signals an unwillingness to foster a healthy, normal relationship between the kids and their other parent.

Thus, you should not withhold visitation from the other parent, refuse to communicate or fail to update them about crucial matters concerning the kids. Doing any of that also signals disrespect for the court’s orders and a willingness to flout authority, which also won’t help your bid for custody.

2. Focusing on your arguments with your co-parent

It’s very important that you choose your words carefully in regard to your co-parent. Even if you’re feeling hostile, remain outwardly civil to avoid aggravating the situation and inflaming present hostilities. Make certain that you do not disparage your co-parent to the children, and don’t use them as messengers.

It’s far better to restrict your communication to formal channels, such as via email, text message or even through your representatives, so that you avoid saying something that could be later used against you in court.

Custody disputes are always emotional. It helps to get legal guidance so that you can protect your interests and make informed decisions about your options.
